Helping yourself to reduce neck pain

Often its the way we use our body that can cause neck pain from tablet hunch, to carrying a handbag or looking down when walking.

Head dropping using tablet can cause neck painA new study gives the thumbs up for the Alexander Technique as an effective tool to reduce and avoid the causes of neck pain.

At 6 months, 81% (106/131) of Alexander participants reported significant improvement in the way they lived and cared for themselves (versus 23% for usual care), increasing to 87% (117/135) at 12 months (usual care: 25%).

These scores at both 6 and 12 months were related to improvement in self-efficacy and ability to reduce pain during daily life.

Neck pain man sittingAlexander Technique lessons led to long-term improvements in the way participants lived their daily lives and managed their neck pain.

Alexander lessons promote self-efficacy and self-care, with consequent reductions in chronic neck pain.

Find out more - read the published article



Roger says

Hands on neck"My neck pain has gone, I am more aware of my standing, sitting, bending walking and writing, all of which have improved.
So thank you very much indeed. I have enjoyed our sessions together and would gladly recommend you to others."

and Susan “I had a lot of tension in my neck & shoulders most of this is gone.”

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